Create Penny Profile

Already got one? Sign in here.

Please choose a strong password which includes:
  • An uppercase letter (A-Z)
  • A lowercase letter (a-z)
  • A number (0-9)
  • A symbol (! # % & , ...)
  • At least 8 characters
Enter the number printed on the back of your tag.

KiwiCash Terms & Conditions

Kiwi Cash Limited hereby grants Clients a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use KiwiCash system during the Term as permitted hereunder.

1. Limitation of Liability
Neither party will be liable to the other party Client for any indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages or for any loss of profit, revenue, data, business or use arising out of this Agreement. 

2. User ID 
By agreeing to these terms and conditions a user guarantees any passport or New Zealand driver's licence uploaded as ID is valid for the user. Any attempt to upload a fake or false ID will be treated as fraud and referred to the New Zealand police.

3. User Data 
All transaction details, trip details, and other details recorded as a result of users using KiwiCash system will be recorded and retained by KiwiCash. User data is anonymised and may be used by site operators to monitor the system and predict future usage. 

4. Privacy
KiwiCash recognises the privacy concerns of its users. Where we collect personal information from users, the Privacy Policy available on the KiwiCash Website will apply and all collected personal information is protected by Guest Traction Limited, who is a KiwiCash system operator by contract. 

5. Key User Terms
By using a digital key any user guarantees that all information on the key holders account is kept up to date and accurate to the best of their knowledge.

6. Lost or Stolen
KiwiCash will not be held responsible for any credit that is used from a lost or stolen digital key. It is the user's responsibility to remove the key number from their account in the case it is lost or stolen.

7. Passed On
By registering a KiwiCash digital key a user agrees not to pass on that key to any other user outside their group. 

8. Site Rules and Responsibilities
By agreeing to these terms and conditions any user ensures that all guests in their party will abide by the rules and regulations of any individual site.

9. Credits 
Credits are issued through the PayStation payment gateway and funds will only be credited once processed though this payment gateway. When using KiwiCash a user is trading NZ currency for KiwiCash credits in a rate of 1 to 1. KiwiCash will not be held responsible for any monies misplaced by either the payment gateway or the Bank of any party.

10. Redeeming Credit
In order to redeem KiwiCash credits a request must be made through the online messaging service. A refund will normally be processed within 10 working days and will be paid in NZ Currency to a NZ bank account. A refund fee of $5.00 will be applied to this request.

11. Refund
A refund for a service will be issued at the discretion of KiwiCash upon receipt of an online application in writing. A refund will be debited to a user’s KiwiCash account. 

12. Expiry
A KiwiCash account will be suspended if there is no activity for a continuous period of two years. At this time the KiwiCash account will be deemed inactive and removed from the database. Any credit remaining on the account will be forfeited and become a property of KiwiCash on and from the date the account is suspended. In this instance a user may contact KiwiCash and KiwiCash will put the credit back to the user’s new account. The amount of credit will be equal to the credit balance on the date the account is suspended. 

13. Late Charging
A charge for any service or booking may be applied late to an account due to connection issues. Because of this a guest may go into negative credit balance. At this time use of services will be suspended and any boom gate may not open until the account is topped up to a zero balance.

14. Negative Credit
In setting up this account the user guarantees that any negative balance will be rectified within 5 working days of the charges being applied.

15. Fines and Strikes
Fines may be applied to any users account at the discretion of KiwiCamp. These fines are always related to either wilful damage or breaking site rules. For example, please do not dump waste or abuse the KiwiCash system.

16. Bookings
Individual site operators are responsible for all bookings and availability. KiwiCash works closely with these operators to ensure a good customer service but as KiwiCash does not provide the services and any failure in service or lack of availability for booking is the responsibility of the site operator.

17. Responsibility for Group
When travelling in a group the KiwiCash account holder of the group will be known as the group leader and will be responsible for the behaviour of the entire group. Any fines incurred or wilful damage will be the sole responsibility of the group leader.

18. Verification
The identification provided will not be released to any third-party unless in the case of criminal proceedings where KiwiCamp will endeavour to assist the New Zealand Police in their enquiries.

19. Removal from system
Any user information will be removed entirely from the KiwiCash system on request. Any request must be made in writing via the online messenger. A follow up email will be required to verify the request.

20. Vehicle ID
Any vehicle registration uploaded to the KiwiCash platform is guaranteed by the user to be valid and accurate. Vehicle used to take advantage of KiwiCash service will have all relevant warrants and certificates required by a local law. 

21. Electrical Warrant of Fitness
To use a KiwiCash power charging point a user guarantees that their vehicle has all applicable certificates and warrants according to local law. KiwiCash will not be held responsible for any damage of vehicles or loss of life resulting from this power use.

22. Messaging
By agreeing to these terms and conditions a user agrees to receive messaging through the KiwiCash web platform.

23. Confidentiality 
By using the KiwiCash system a user agrees not to share any images or workings of the KiwiCash platform.

24. Supply of Services
KiwiCash cannot guarantee a totally uninterrupted supply of service and take no responsibility for any consequential damages created by any malfunction of our technology. KiwiCash shall use all reasonable endeavors to maintain an online system 24hrs a day 365 days of the year. 

KiwiCash system was developed by Guest Traction Limited that warrants that it is skilled in database and online service management and will undertake to maintain this expertise. Support is provided during New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) 9am to 5:30pm business hours via email and phone.  After hours support for urgent queries is available through a transfer to the on-call urgent after hours support person’s mobile phone.